74. 2009 June Breathing Places Open Weekend preparation 75. 2009 June Breathing Places Open Weekend creating the Dipping Platform 76. 2009 June Breathing Places Open Weekend 77. 2009 June Breathing Places Open Weekend dipping platform in use 78. 2009 June Breathing Places Open Weekend Mike Culling and his Barn Owl Box later erected in Blyth meadow 79. 2009 June Breathing Places Open Weekend willow wherry 80. 2009 June Breathing Places Weekend volunteers in finished willow wherry 81. 2009 November Wilfrid George with Richard Woolnough (MG Trust Chair) and John Bennett (Southwold Railway Trust Chair) 'opening' Rails' End 82. 2009 November Wilfrid with original Southwold Railway fencing in Rails' End 83. 2009 November Handover celebration in Bird's Folly Trust History 2009