Management Planning
We work to an agreed management plan reviewed by the Conservation Strategy Group which meets regularly.
Click here for the Management Plan
Click here for the Action Plan
Click here for the spreadsheet of the annual cycle of tasks
Click here for the current season’s work plan
Click Policy New Reach Aims, Objectives and Action Plan from 2016
Click here for the New Reach Review and Update 2016
Weekly Work Parties – held on Wednesday morning
The following pictures were taken at various work parties:






Mowing and Raking in Folly meadow finished at last.


Mowing and raking Wherry field in Folly meadow.

Resting from the heat by the fallen willow after mowing and raking the Latitude field in Follymeadow.

Clearing tall grass, nettles etc from round the orchard trees so the mower can get closer.

Renovating the tree screen along the boundary between Lester’s Piece and the Industrial Estate which was planted in 2003.

The end of winter pruning

Pruning the community orchard.

Come rain, hail or shine the willing volunteers carry on, this time laying a hard-standing in front of the signboard in Angel meadow
October 8th – clearing cut material from the Mound in Angel meadow and the cleared extension to the Orchard

September 10th – Folly meadow – cutting and raking material from Wherry field
August 13th – Folly meadow – cutting and raking material from Orchard field

July 9th – Folly meadow – trimming willow wherry and clearing cut material

June 11th – Folly meadow – trimming willow arch

May 14th – Blyth meadow – repairing seat at Otter Corner

April 9th – New Reach – hedge and verge maintenance

March 12th – the Folly – cutting back “railway” footpath and mowing hill to maintain short acid-grassland

February 12th – raising the wherry’s 30′ mast for Winterlight Festival and clearing cut vegetation between the New Reach and Chestnut meadow

January 8th – clearing ditch in Folly meadow and coppicing hazels in the Orchard

December 11th – enlarging Louise’s Pond and clearing ditch

November 13th – renovating hedge beside New Reach towpath

October 9th – clearing cut material from side of ditches in wherry and latitude fields of Folly meadow.

September 11th – raking and stacking cut material on wherry field, Folly meadow

August 14th -to be added
July 10th – cutting New Reach bank between White Bridge and the railway bridge

and trimming the willow tunnel on Folly meadow
June 12th – clearing overgrown footpath along Rails’ End

May 8th – instead of a work party, a walk-about – an opportunity to view the results of work done and record any wildlife.

At the end of the morning John Baker, local recorder, spotted a grass snake swimming up the New Reach. Everyone standing on White Bridge had a clear view of it swimming under the bridge but the sluice defeated it and it decided to lie low in the vegetation near the alder roots.
April 10th – With chiff chaffs and blackcaps singing on the Green and birds beginning to nest in various places we reduced disturbance to a minimum and cancelled this Sunday’s Work Party.
March 13th – dam boards replaced, brambles cut back beside cycle track and Angel Wood checked

February 14th – alot of different jobs done in and around Folly meadow

January 10th – coppicing hazel and pruning in the orchard